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Version: 4.0

This chapter lists all drivers that are supported by X-Collector.

General Drivers for RTD Collector


OPC DA protocol driver is to connect and collect data from devices that communicate based on OPC DA protocol, a standard protocol for industrial communication that enables efficient interconnection of heterogeneous systems.

Adding Source

  1. Click Add on Source page to expand source information.
  2. Enter source name and description, and select OPC DA for driver name. The system expands the information that needs to be entered for this driver according to the selected driver.
    Breakage ReconnectionThe reconnection mode when OPC Client and OPC Server are disconnected.

    Reconnect: Reconnect only when OPC server is disconnected abnormally.

    Never reconnect: OPC server does not reconnect after disconnection.

    Always Reconnect: Reconnects when the OPC server is abnormally disconnected or normally exits.

    Reconnection IntervalThe time interval between two connectionsSelectable from 30, 60, 120, 300, 600, in seconds
    Quality CodeUser-defined quality code

    One or more user-defined quality codes can be entered; if there are more than one, the different quality codes are separated by a slash. Such as 192, 192/216, 192/111/160, etc.

    If the quality code sent to the collector from OPC Server is among the above custom quality codes, the status code of the attribute value in the object instance will be displayed as 0 after it is sent to supOS from the collector.

    If the quality code sent by OPC Server is different from that defined on the collector, for example, the collector quality code is customized to 192, and the quality code actually sent to the collector is 111, then the status code of the property value in supOS object instance is 200000000000000, representing abnormal data quality.

    Clock SourceTimestamps used for data updates
    • Local time: the timestamp of real-time data is computer time where the collector is located.

    • OPC server time: the timestamp of the real-time data is the time on the computer where the OPC server is located.
    Request DelayRequest delay time
    • Local time: the timestamp of real-time data is the time on the computer where the collector is located.
    • OPC server time: the timestamp of the real-time data is the time on the computer where the OPC server is located.
    Authorization SettingsOPC UA server authorization
    • If OPC UA server does not set user name and password, select anonymous to connect.
    • If OPC UA server sets user name and password, you need to enter the corresponding user name and password.
    Security SettingsEncrypted data transmission is supported between the collector and OPC UA server, and the encryption methods are None (no encryption), Sign, Sign & Encrypt.
    Security ModeSet OPC UA driver encryption mode

    When the security mode is None, there is no need to select a security policy.

    Other encryption methods can choose 4 security policies: Basic256, Basic128Rsa15, Basic256Sha256, Aes128Sha256RsaOaep.

    Update SpeedUpdate speed of tag valueConfigure update rate. (range: 100-5000ms)
    Active ReadingActive reading configurationAfter being enabled, the data is read actively. The device will periodically read all successfully subscribed tags synchronously.
    *OPC ServerOPC server information

    Click Configure to expand the information that needs to be entered for the OPC server. After the information is entered, the system automatically generates the OPC server information in the format of OPC Service Address/OPC DA Service.

    The round light on the right side of the current OPC server is green.

    *OPC Server AddressIP address of OPC server-
    *OPC Server PathOPC DA server pathDisplays a list of all OPC services on the OPC server, from which you can select the OPC DA service you need to connect to.
    Security StrategyActive data reading settingsWhen enabled, the data is read actively. And the device will periodically read all successfully subscribed tags synchronously
    DCOM Username/DCOM PasswordDCOM username and password of OPC serverIf the OPC server login account is different from the collector server login account, you need to configure the DCOM username and password of the OPC server.
    Redundancy ConfigurationWhether to start redundant OPC Server

    The collector supports reading data from the redundant OPC Server.

    The collector can communicate with the redundant OPC server. When one OPC Server fails, it automatically switches to the non-failed OPC Server to continue communication. When both the master and slave OPC server fail, communication with the OPC Server is interrupted; and when one of them returns to normal, communication is automatically restored.

    The items to be configured are the same as the master OPC Server.

  3. Select mode of breakage reconnection, the default is Reconnect after Disconnection .
  4. Select the reconnection interval to be 30s.
  5. Enter custom quality code.
  6. Select local time for clock source.
  7. Set the request delay as 5s.
  8. Set the update speed to 1000ms.
  9. Click Configure following OPC server and unfold the information that need to be entered for OPC server.

    a. You need to enter the IP address of OPC server that you need to connect to. For example,

    b. If the login accounts of OPC server and collector server are different, you need to enter the DCOM username and password of OPC server.

    Click Refresh List following the OPC service address.

    The corresponding OPC DA service list is automatically displayed in the OPC Server path after refresh. Select the required service among them.

  10. If you need to configure a redundant OPC DA server, click Redundancy Configuration and configure the parameters of the redundant OPC DA server.
  11. Click Save to complete configuration.

Importing Tag

OPC DA driver supports batch import. After you have configured the source, click Import tags in batch to expand information of tag bulk import.

(Synchronization)Incremental Synchronize of tagSynchronize tag information from OPC Server, in the range of the incremental part. Time is re;atively shorter, and the information may not be complete.
(Full Synchronization)Full synchronization of tagSynchronize tag information in the range of all. This may take longer time to complete.
Add Prefix to NameAdd prefixIf the prefix is filled in, the prefix is added to the selected tag when the tag is imported; if not, no prefix is added.
String ReplacementBulk replacement
  • The replacement conditions can be deleted and added, and the filter conditions can be increased to a maximum of 4 and a minimum of 1.
  • If characters are written in the original character input box, the replacement are performed; if no characters are filled in the original character input box, the no replacement are performed.
Intercept Tag NameIntercept Tag NameIntercept a segment of characters as a tag name based on the specified intercept characters (the separator). The interception is done from right to left in reverse order. Example: The original tag is namedabc&qvs&wer, the specified intercept character is set to &, and the intercepted paragraph is set to 0-1 (backward), then the intercepted tag name iswer; intercept paragraph set 1-2 paragraphs (countdown), then the intercepted tag name isqvs.
Read & Write StatusSet the read & write status device tagIf supOS is set to read/write, data can be written down to the data source through the collector. If supOS is set to read only, data cannot be written down.
Other ConfigurationUnfold detailed configuration item.-
Unit ModeSet unit modeUser-defined: Input unit manually. From OPC server: units are automatically filled with the OPC data source unit field name.
UnitTag unitTag unit should be in accordance with OPC data source.
Range ModeSet range modeUser-defined: Input upper and lower range limit manually. From OPC server: The upper and lower limit of ranges are automatically filled with data corresponding to OPC data source.
Range MaxSet range upper limitSet according to tag requirements. The default value is 100.
Range MinSet range lower limitSet range mode limit according to tag requirements. The default value is 0.
Description ModeSet description modeUser-defined: Enter description manually. According to OPC server: Description is automatically filled with OPC data source description field.
DescriptionEdit tag descriptionEdit tag description.
  1. Click Synchronize or Fullsync to synchronize information from source and enumerate tags that have been synchronized to the list.
  2. You can select tag to edit the parameter of the selected tag.
  3. Choose the tag to be imported, and click Import to Tag.
  4. The imported tags are displayed on Tag page.

Adding Tag

  1. Click Add to unfold basic properties of tag.
  2. After the basic properties are entered, the system automatically adds relevant configuration properties for the settings of connection point between tag and the underlying data.
  3. Click Select to unfold tag selection information.
  4. Enter tag information in Tag Search for fuzzy query or click refresh button, and the optional tag will automatically display related items according to the selected source.
  5. Click blue after selecting the corresponding tag, and the system automatically displays I/O address.
  6. Click Save to complete configuration.


OPC UA driver, mainly used to connect to OPC UA protocol-based servers for data acquisition.

Adding Source

  1. Click Add on Source to expand source information.
  2. Enter source name and description, and select OPC UA for driver name. The system expands the information that needs to be entered for this driver according to the selected driver.
Table 2. OPC UA source point parameter specification
Clock SourceTimestamp used for data updates
  • Local time: the timestamp of real-time data is the time on the computer where the collector is located.

  • OPC server time: the timestamp of the real-time data is the time on the computer where the OPC server is located.
Breakage ReconnectionReconnection mode when OPC Client and OPC Server are disconnected.Reconnection: Reconnect only when OPC server is disconnected abnormal. Never Reconnect: OPC server does not reconnect after disconnection. Always Reconnect: Reconnects when the OPC server is abnormally disconnected or normally exits.
Reconnection IntervalThe time interval between two times of reconnection.Selectable from 30, 60, 120, 300, 600, in seconds.
Authorization SettingsOPC UA server authorization
  • If OPC UA server is not set username and password, select anonymous to connect.
  • If OPC UA server sets user name and password, you need to enter the corresponding user name and password to connect successfully.
Security Settings-Encrypted data transmission is supported between the collector and OPC UA server, and the encryption methods are None (no encryption), Sign, Sign & Encrypt.
Security ModeSet OPC UA driver encryption modeWhen the security mode is None, there is no need to select a security policy. Other encryption methods can choose 4 security policies: Basic256, Basic128Rsa15, Basic256Sha256, and Aes128Sha256RsaOaep.
Security StrategyActive data reading settingsWhen enabled, the data is read actively. And the device will periodically read all successfully subscribed tag synchronously.
Certificate File der PathOPC server informationClick Configuration to unfold the information that needs to be entered for the OPC server. After the information is entered, the system automatically generates the OPC server information in the format of OPC Service Address/OPC DA Service". The round light on the right side of the currently connected OPC server is green.
Private Key File pem PathIP address of OPC server-
  1. Enter the IP address of the OPC server you need to connect to, for example:
  2. Select the breakage reconnection mode, and the default is Always Reconnect
  3. Select a reconnection interval of 30s.
  4. Select Local Time as the clock source.
  5. Select the authorization mode according to the OPC UA server settings.
  6. Set the data encryption transmission method between the collector and OPC UA server.
  7. Click Save.

Importing Tag

OPC UA driver supports batch import of tag. After you have configured the source information, go to Import tags in batch tab to expand tag batch import information.

(Synchronization)Synchronize tagSynchronize tag information from OPC Server, in the range of all
(Enumerate tag)Enumerate current tagDisplay all tag information of OPC DA data source
String ReplacementBulk replacement
  • The replacement conditions can be deleted and added, and the filter conditions can be increased to a maximum of 4 and a minimum of 1.
  • If characters are written in the original character input box, the replacement will be performed; if no characters are filled in the original character input box, the no replacement will be performed
Truncate the Tag NameTruncate Tag NameIntercept a segment of characters as a tag name based on the specified intercept characters as a separator. The interception is done from right to left in reverse order. Example: The original tag is namedabc&qvs&wer, the specified intercept character is set to &, and the intercepted paragraph is set to 0-1 (backward), then the intercepted tag name iswer; If intercept paragraph is set to 1-2 paragraphs (countdown), then the intercepted tag name is qvs.
Read & Write StatuaSet the read & write state equipment tagIf supOS is set to read/write, data can be written down to the data source through the collector. If supOS is set to read only, data cannot be written down.
Other ConfigurationUnfold detailed configuration page-
GroupingTag groupingBy default, the software establishes 128 groups from 0 to 127, you can manage the tag in groups according to tag classification.
Unit ModeSet unit modeUser-defined: Input unit manually. From OPC server: units are automatically filled with the OPC data source unit field name.
UnitTag unitTag unit should be in accordance with OPC data source.
Range ModeSet range modeUser-defined: Input upper and lower range limit manually. From OPC server: The upper and lower limit of range are automatically filled with data corresponding to OPC data source.
Range MaxSet range upper limitSet according to tag requirements. The default value is 100.
Range MinSet range lower limitSet according to tag requirements. The default value is 0.
Description ModeSet description modeCustomize: Input description manually. From OPC server: Description is automatically filled with OPC data source description field.
DescriptionEdit tag descriptionEdit tag description information.
  1. Click Enumerate Tags, and the system will systematically enumerate tag information corresponding to the source point. If a new tag is added to the source, perform Synchronization before tag enumeration.
  2. You can select tag to edit the parameter information of the selected tag.
  3. Choose the tag to be imported, and click Import.
  4. The imported tags are displayed on tag page.

Adding Tag

  1. Click Add to unfold basic properties of tag.
  2. After the basic property content is input, the system automatically adds the relevant configuration properties for the connection point between tag and the underlying data.
  3. Click Select to unfold tag selection information.
  4. Enter tag information in Tag Search for fuzzy query or click the refresh button, and the optional tag will automatically display related items according to the selected source.
  5. Click blue button after selecting the corresponding tag, and the system automatically displays the I/O address.
  6. Click Save to complete configuration.

Modbus RTU

Modbus RTU protocol driver. The caller can implement the access to the standard Modbus RTU system.

Adding Source

  1. Click Add on Source to expand source information.
  2. Enter source name and description, and select Modbus RTU for driver name. The system expands the information that needs to be entered for this driver according to the selected driver.
  3. Click Channel to add channels and configure channel parameters. Parameter description is as follows.

    Table 3.

    Channel parameter specification

    *Serial PortDevice numberDevice ID is unique, and must be the same with original device ID.
    *Baud RateBaud rate of channelThe settings must be consistent with the corresponding parameters of serial port of the other party.
    Stop BitTime between transmission of each character, measured in bits per second.The optional parameters are 1, 1.5 and 2, and the default is 1. The settings must be consistent with the parameters corresponding to PLC.
    ParityType of error checking for the port.Optional parameters include the following:
    • None, indicating that no parity bit is added to data bits sent from this port.
    • Odd, indicating that if the number of 1's in the data bits is to be odd. The parity bit should be added.
    • Even, indicating that if the number of 1's in the data bits is to be even. The parity bit should be set to 1.
    • Mark, meaning adding parity bit. (always set to 0).
    • Space, meaning adding parity bit (always set to 1). The settings must be consistent with the parameters corresponding to the serial port of the other party.
    Stop BitTime between transmission of each character, measured in bits per second.The optional parameters are 1and 2. The settings must be consistent with the parameters corresponding to the serial port of the other party.
    *Time-out TimeThe maximum waiting time between the command sent by the master and response
  4. Select a channel, click Device to add a device and configure device parameters. The parameters are shown in the following table.

    Table 4.

    Device parameter specification

    *Device NameDevice nameDevice under the same channel cannot be repeated. Device name contain Chinese characters.
    *Mater Device IDDevice IDDevice ID is unique, and must be the same with original device ID.
    *PeriodTime interval of two packetsData are updated every other time interval. Unit: ms. The default value is 1000.

Importing Tag

MODBUS RTU driver supports batch import of tag. After you have finished configuring the source information, please perform the following steps.

  1. Go to Import Tags in Batch tab, and unfold batch import tag information.
    Table 5. Parameter specification
    *Function Node-

    01 COIL: 1 address type, coil type, 1 bit, read/write (1 command to read, 5, 15 command to write)

    02 DISCRETES INPUT: 2 address type, discrete amount, 1 bit, read only (2 command read)

    03 HOLDING REGISTER: 3 address type, holding register, 2 bytes, read/write (3 command to read, 6, 16 command to write)

    04 INPUT REGISTER: 4 address type, input register, 2 bytes, read-only (4 command to read)

    *Select Tag-Select the source tag created, e.g. Device0.
    *Initial AddressStart address of data block-
    *Address LengthThe difference between the end address and the start address.COIL, DISCRETES INPUT type address with a maximum length of 2000, the minimum is 1; INPUT REGISTER, HOLDING REGISTER type address with a maximum length of 125, the minimum length of 1.
    Data TypeData type

    Data type of data source, as well as forward/reverse order, byte swapping, etc.

    • string: selection of encoding and string length.
    • bool: bit setting
    • short/unshort: AB/BA
    • long/unlong/float: ABCD/CDBA/BADC/DCBA
    • double: asc/decs
    • byte/char: A/B
  2. Click Enumerate Tags. After you have selected the tags to be imported, click Import.

    For operation on tag name (prefix adding, string swapping, intercepting, etc), please refer to Importing Tag.

Adding Tag

  1. Click Add to unfold basic properties of tag.
  2. After the basic property content is entered, the system automatically adds the relevant configuration properties for the connection point between tag and the underlying data.
  3. Select tag, for example, Device0.
  4. Enter address. (range: 0 - 65535).
  5. Select function code and data type. (Please refer to Modbus RTU Importing Tag for details.)
  6. Click Save to complete configuration.

Modbus TCP

Modbus TCP protocol driver. The caller can implement the access to the standard Modbus TCP system.

Adding Source

  1. Click Add on Source to expand source information configuration.
  2. Enter source name and description, and select Modbus TCP for the driver name. The system expands the information that needs to be entered for this driver according to the selected driver.
  3. Click Device to add devices and configure device parameters. Parameter description is as follows.
    *NameDevice nameDevice name under the same channel is not allowed to be repeated, and several devices can be hung under one channel. The name cannot use Chinese and Chinese characters
    DescriptionDevice descriptionThe light bulb to the right of the currently connected device is on.
    *IPDevice IP address-
    *Port IDDevice TPC port number-
    *Device IDDevice slave IDDevice ID is unique.
    *Time-out TimeThe maximum waiting time between the command sent by the master and response The default value is 1000.
    *PeriodTime interval between two packetsGet updated data every cycle in ms, default value is 1000.
    Max Pending Packets-maximum number of times for waiting for packets to be sent. (The default time is 5.)
    Redundancy ConfigurationWhether to start redundant OPC Server

    The collector supports reading data from the redundant OPC Server.

    The collector can communicate with the redundant OPC Server. When one OPC Server fails, it automatically switches to the non-failed OPC Server to continue communication. When both the master and slave OPC Server fail, communication with the OPC Server is interrupted, and when one of them returns to normal, communication is automatically restored.

    The items to be configured are the same as the master OPC Server.

  4. Click Save to complete configuration.

Importing Tag

MODBUS TPC driver supports batch import of tag. After you have finished configuring the source information, please follow the following steps.

  1. Go to Import Tags in Batch tab, and unfold information for batch import.
    Table 6. Parameter specification
    *Function NodeFunction type

    01 COIL: 1 address type, coil type, 1 bit, read/write (1 command to read, 5, 15 command to write)

    02 DISCRETES INPUT: 2 address type, discrete amount, 1 bit, read only (2 command read)

    03 HOLDING REGISTER: 3 address type, holding register, 2 bytes, read/write (3 command to read, 6, 16 command to write)

    04 INPUT REGISTER: 4 address type, input register, 2 bytes, read-only (4 command to read)

    *Select Tag-Select source tag that has been created, e.g. Device0
    *Initial AddressStart address of data block-
    *Address LengthThe difference between the end address and the start address.COIL, DISCRETES INPUT type address with a maximum length of 2000, the minimum is 1; INPUT REGISTER, HOLDING REGISTER type address with a maximum length of 125, the minimum length of 1.
    Data TypeData type

    Data type of data source, as well as forward/reverse order, byte swapping, etc.

    • string: selection of encoding and string length.
    • bool: bit setting
    • short/unshort: AB/BA
    • long/unlong/float: ABCD/CDBA/BADC/DCBA
    • double: asc/decs
    • byte/char: A/B
  2. Click Enumerate Tags. After you have selected the tags to be imported, click Import to import tags.

    please refer to Importing Tag for detailed operations on tag name (e.g. prefix adding, string swapping and intercepting).

Adding Tag

  1. Click Add to unfold basic properties of tag.
  2. After the basic property content is input, the system automatically adds the relevant configuration properties for the connection point between tag and the underlying data.
  3. Select tag, for example, Device0.
  4. Enter address, ranging from 0 to 65535.
  5. Select function code and data type. (Refer to Modbus RTU Importing Tag for details.)
  6. Click Save to complete configuration.


DDE is a dynamic data exchange (DDE) system. DDE uses a shared memory to exchange data between two applications.

Adding Source

  1. Click Add on Source to expand source information.
  2. Enter source name and description, and select DEE for driver name. The system expands the information that needs to be entered for this driver according to the selected driver.
    *Application NameDEE server name

    Usually, the name of the application is used as the application name, such as EXCEL.

    The application needs to run on the same computer as the collector.

    *ThemeData set name of DDE serverFile name or worksheet name of the data, such as D:\\test.xlsx. The subject cannot contain Chinese.
    Collect Interval (ms)Data acquisition cycleData acquisition cycle settings (Unit: ms, default value: 1000)
  3. Click Save to complete configuration.

Adding Tag

  1. Click Add to unfold basic properties of tag.
  2. After the basic property content is entered the system automatically adds the relevant configuration properties for the connection point between tag and the underlying data. Then set input and output address. For example, R2C4 indicates the cell in the second row and fourth column of a Excel file.
  3. Click Save to complete configuration.


BACnet driver is used for intelligent building communication. Find all BACnet servers in the same network segment as the IP address of the collector server by configuring the source. A collector can only create one valid BACnet source.

Adding Source

  1. Click Add on Source to expand source information configuration.
  2. Enter source name and description, and select BACnet for the driver. The system expands the information that needs to be entered for this driver according to the selected driver.
    Table 8. BACnet source parameter specification
    Virtual Link LayerSelect BACnet IP by default to connect via IP
    *IP AddressFill in the IP address of the collector software server (local IP), IP address and subnet mask to determine the BACnet device broadcast segment.
    *Subnet MaskFill in the subnet mask of the collector software server
    *PortThe default is 47808
    *Collect IntervalSet the data collection period in milliseconds (The default is 1000 milliseconds).
  3. Click Save to complete configuration.

    Since the BACnet driver also acts as a server and the default port is 47808, a collector software can only create one BACnet source.

Importing Tag

BACnet driver supports batch import. After you have configured source information, click into the Import tags in batch tab to expand tag batch import information.

  • Add prefix to name: If the prefix is filled in, the prefix is added for the selected tag when importing tags, otherwise prefix will not be added.
    1. ClickEnumerate Tags. The system will automatically enumerate all BACnet servers in the same IP segment as the collector software.
    2. Click Import All to import tags.

Adding Tag

  1. Click Add to unfold basic properties of tag.
  2. After the basic property content is input, the system automatically adds the relevant configuration properties for the connection point between tag and the underlying data.
  3. Click Select to unfold tag selection information.
  4. Enter tag information in Tag Search for fuzzy query or click the refresh button, and the optional tag will automatically display related items according to the selected source.
  5. Click blue button after selecting the corresponding tag, and the system automatically displays the I/O address.
  6. Click Save to complete configuration.

National Standard

HJ212 2017

Environment HJ212-2017 standard protocol, mainly used to connect the data acquisition instrument ① that adopts the data transmission standard of pollutant online monitoring (monitoring) system.

Note ① Data Acquisition Devices: Data acquisition and transmission devices that collect data from various types of monitoring devices. These devices store, transmit and communicate with the host computer micro-controller, industrial control machine, embedded computer, programmable automation controller (Programmable Automation Controller, PAC) or programmable controller (PLC), etc., and are referred to as Digital acquisition instrument.

Adding Source

  1. Click Add on Source.
  2. Enter source name and description, and select HJ212 2017 for the driver. The system expands the information that needs to be entered for this driver according to the selected driver.
    Table 9. Device parameter specification
    PortService port
  3. Click Device to add devices and configure device parameters. Parameter description is as follows.
    *Unique Identification (MN)The unique identification (MN) of the digital mining instrument device, consistent with the site identification-
    *NameDevice nameName is automatically generated. Default value is suggested.
    *PasswordField machine access password-
    *DescriptionDescription of the device, so that you can easily remember the characteristics of the device-
  4. Click Save to complete configuration.

Adding Tag

  1. Click Add to unfold basic properties of tag.
  2. Enter basic properties, and select HJ 212 2017 for driver name. The system will automatically configure attributes.
    *Device Unique IdentificationThe unique identification (MN) of the digital mining instrument device, consistent with the site identification.
    *System CodingSelect system code.

    The system code is divided into four categories, each of which indicates a system type.

    • 10~29 indicate environmental quality categories.
    • 30~49 denote environmental pollution source categories.
    • 50~69 indicates the working condition category.
    • 91~99 indicates the system interaction category
    Command Encoding

    Select the command code. There are four categories of command codes.

    • 1000~1999 indicate initialization command and parameter command codes.
    • 2000~2999 indicates data command codes.
    • 3000~3999 indicates control command codes.
    • 9000~9999 indicates interactive command codes
    Query IntervalTime interval for the collector to actively check the data.
    *Target FieldField name of data area.
    Target Field ParameterThe value of xxxxxxx or xxx in the target field.
    Custom Data Fields

    User-defined CP field value (without &&), some data need to be actively queried in time (It cannot be subscribed), this field as CP parameters passes in when query is requested. For example: the command code 3020 (to extract the information of the field machine) can be set to CP=&&PolId=w01018; InfoId=i12001&& in the data area when the request is initiated.

    The field is valid when the current command code is 1011,1061,1063,3015,3017,3018,3019,3020.

  3. Click Save to complete the configuration.

    See HJ212-2017 Data Transmission Standards for Pollutant Online Monitoring Systems for detailed HJ212 2017 standard protocol information.

HJ212 2005

Adding Source

  1. Click Add on Source to expand source information.
  2. Enter source name and description, and select HJ212 2005 for the driver. The system expands the information that needs to be entered for this driver according to the selected driver.
Table 12. HJ212 2005 Source Parameter Specification
PortService port
  1. Click Device to add devices and configure device parameters. Parameter description is as follows.
    *Unique Identification (MN)The unique identification (MN) of the digital mining instrument device, consistent with the site identification-
    *NameDevice nameName is automatically generated. Default value is suggested.
    *PasswordField machine access password-
    *DescriptionDescription of the device, so that you can easily remember the characteristics of the device-
  2. Click Save to complete configuration.

Adding Tag

  1. Click Add to unfold basic properties of tag.
  2. Enter basic properties, and select HJ212 2017 for driver name. The system will automatically configure attributes.
    *Device Unique IdentificationThe unique identification (MN) of the digital mining instrument device, consistent with the site identification.
    *System Coding (ST)21: Surface water monitoring 22: Air quality monitoring

    23: Regional environmental noise monitoring

    31: Atmospheric environmental pollution sources32: Surface water environmental pollution sources

    33: Groundwater environmental pollution sources

    34: Marine environmental pollution sources 35: Soil environmental pollution sources

    36: Sound environmental pollution sources37: Vibration environmental pollution sources

    38: Radioactive environmental pollution sources41: Electromagnetic environmental pollution sources

    91: System interaction

    Command Encoding (CN)

    1000: Set timeout time and retransmission times 1011: Extract field machine time 1012: Set field machine time 1061: Extract real-time data interval 1062: Set real-time data interval 1072: Set field machine password 2011: Get pollutant real-time data 2021: Get equipment operation status data 2031: Get pollutant daily history data2041: Get equipment operation Time daily historical data

    2051: Get pollutant minute data 2061: Get pollutant hourly data3011: Zero calibration, full scale calibration

    3012: Instant sampling command 3013: Equipment operation command 3014: Set equipment sampling time period

    Query IntervalTime interval for the collector to actively check the data.
    *Target FieldField name of data area.
    Target Field ParameterThe value of xxx in the target field (see HJ/T 212-2005 standard document, appendix B: Coding Schedule of Common Pollutants).
    Custom Data FieldsUsed when distributing data.
  3. Click Save to complete configuration.

    Note: Please refer to Standard for Data Communication of Pollution Emission Auto Monitoring System for more information of HJ212 2005 standard protocol information.

DLT 645

DLT645 driver, DL/T645-2007 protocol, for connecting multifunctional power meters.

Adding Source

  1. Click Add on Source to expand source information.
  2. Enter source name and description, and select DLT645 for the driver. The system expands the information that needs to be entered for this driver according to the selected driver.
    *PortCommunication port-
    *Baud RateBaud rate for channel operation

    You can set 110, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200, 38400, 56000, 57600, 115200, 921600.

    The settings must be consistent with the corresponding parameters on the DLT645 server.

    *ParityError checking type of port.

    Optional parameters include the following:

    • Odd parity, which indicates that the parity bit should be set to 1 if the number of 1 in the data bits is to be odd.
    • Even parity, indicating that if the number of 1 in the data bits is to be even, the parity bit should be set to 2.

      The setting must be consistent with the corresponding parameters of the DLT645 server.

  3. Click Device to add devices and configure device parameters. Parameter description is as follows.
    *Device NameDevice nameName is automatically generated. Default value is suggested. Name should be a combination of alphanumeric underscores. Device name is unique under the same source.
    *Device AddressProduction address of power meterDevice address under the same source is unique.
    DescriptionDescription of device-
  4. Click Save to complete configuration.

Adding Tag

  1. Click Add to unfold basic properties of tag.
  2. After the basic property content is input, the system automatically adds the relevant configuration properties for the connection point between tag and the underlying data.
    *Device AddressProduction address of ammeters.Form: Device name /Ammeter address
    *Get IntervalTine interval for obtaining power meter data.Set the acquisition frequency in seconds. (Default is 5s.)
    Data IdentificationData identification code identifies different data items with 4 bytes.See DL/T645-2007communication protocol for details.
  3. Click Save to complete configuration.


DLT698 driver, DL/T698-2007 protocol, for connecting multifunctional power meters.

Adding Source

  1. Click Add on Source to expand source information.
  2. Enter source name and description, and select DLT698 for the driver. The system expands the information that needs to be entered for this driver according to the selected driver.
    *PortCommunication portName of port connected with DLT698 device. For example, COM1. Click Test to test port connection.
    *Baud RateBaud rate for channel operation

    The settings must be consistent with the those corresponding to DLT698 device.

    *ParityError checking type of port.

    Optional parameters include the following:

    • Odd parity, which indicates that the parity bit should be set to 1 if the number of 1 in the data bits is to be odd.
    • Even parity, indicating that if the number of 1 in the data bits is to be even, the parity bit should be set to 2.

      The setting must be consistent with the corresponding parameters of the DLT698 server.

    *Data BitValid data bit number during data transmissionSelectable number: 5, 6, 7, 8. Parameters must be consistent with those corresponding to DLT698.
    *Client Address-Form: two hexadecimal characters. For example, A2.
    *Stop BitStop bit marks the end of a data frame, providing theSelectable number: 1, 2 (1 by default). Settings should be consistent with corresponding parameters of DLT 698 device.
  3. Click Device to add devices and configure device parameters. Parameter description is as follows.
    *Device NameDevice nameSelf-defined. Default name is suggested.
    *Device AddressAddress of meterServer Address
    DescriptionDescription of device-
    *Maximum byte numberMaximum length of data packet64-1048576. (512 by default).
  4. Click Save to complete configuration.

Adding Tag

  1. Click Add to unfold basic properties of tag.
  2. After the basic property content is input, the system automatically adds the relevant configuration properties for the connection point between tag and the underlying data.
    *Device AddressFormat: Device name/Meter address
    Data IdentificationUsed to identify different data item.Please refer to documents of DL/T698-2017 communication protocol for details.
    *Get IntervalTime interval of acquiring data on electric energy meterSet the acquisition frequency in seconds, the default is 5s. Note: The actual interval time is related to the external environment and may be greater than the set interval time.
    *Array SubscriptArrary index of acquired dataStarting from 0. Set to 0 when it is not array.
  3. Click Save to complete configuration.

Relational Database


SQL to DB driver, mainly used for collecting data from relational databases.

Adding Source

  1. Click Add on Source to expand source information.
  2. Enter source name and description, and select SQL2DB for the driver. The system expands the information that needs to be entered for this driver according to the selected driver.
    *Server AddressIP address of relational database server.
    *Database NameDatabase Name
    *Database TypeThis system supports mysql, sql server and oracle.
    *Communication PortCommunication port between database and collector.
    *Login UsernameUsername for logging into database.
    *Login PasswordPassword for logging into database.
    *Table NameTable name of database that needs to be connected.
    *Collect Interval (Second)The database sets the data collection period in seconds, the default is 1 second.
    Connection TestTest whether the database connection is successful.
  3. Enter the IP address of the relational database server you need to connect to, for example:
  4. Enter the name of the relational database to be connected, consistent with the database name.
  5. Select corresponding data base, for example: oracle.
  6. Enter communication port for database, for example: 1521, consistent with the database communication port.
  7. Enter login username and password.
  8. Enter table name that needs to be connected to the database, consistent with the database table name. And the database table fields need to be designed in strict accordance with supOS customization rules, field sorting and data types are listed below.
    NameMysql/SQL serverORACLERemark
    TagNameVARCHAR VARCHAR2 Tag name
    TBIGINT NUMBERTimestamp (ms)
    QINT NUMBERQuality code
    TagTypeINT NUMBER Tag type, value range 0-5, corresponding to data type String/Integer/Long/Float/Double/Bool
  9. Set collect interval to one second.
  10. After the information is entered, click Connection Test.

    If you are not sure about database information, please check with the database administrator.

Importing Tag

SQL2DB driver supports batch import. After you have configured source information, go to Import tags in batch tab.

  1. Click Enumerate Tags. The system will automatically enumerate tag information corresponding to the source.
  2. Click Import to import tags.
  3. The imported tags are displayed on Tag page.

    Please refer to Appendix A/Table A-2 SQL2DB Type Suggested Correspondence Description for the correspondence between SQL2DB tag type and database field data type.

Adding Tag

  1. Click Add to unfold basic properties of tag.
  2. After the basic property content is input, the system automatically adds the relevant configuration properties for the connection point between tag and the underlying data.
  3. Click Select to unfold tag selection information.
  4. Enter tag information in Tag Search for fuzzy query or click the refresh button, and the optional tag will automatically display related items according to the selected source.
  5. Click blue button after selecting the corresponding tag, and the system automatically displays the I/O address.
  6. Click Save to complete configuration.


SQL to DB2 driver, mainly used for data acquisition of relational database. SQL2DB2 is to access data with table structure to X-Collector. MySQL, Oracle, and SQL Server are supported. Per data communication, VSTRING is parsed into corresponding data type according to the type field TAGTYPE.

Adding Source

  1. Click Add on Source to expand source information.
  2. Enter source name and description, and select SQL2DB2 for the driver. The system expands the information that needs to be entered for this driver according to the selected driver.
*Database TypeThis system supports mysql, sql server and oracle.
*Server AddressIP address of relational database server.
*Communication PortCommunication port between database and collector.
*Database NameDatabase Name
*Table NameTable name of database that needs to be connected.
*Login UsernameUsername for logging into database.
*Login PasswordPassword for logging into database.
*Collect interval (Second)The database sets the data collection period in seconds, the default is 1 second.
Connection TestTest whether the database connection is successful.
  1. Enter the IP address of the relational database server you need to connect to, for example:
  2. Enter the name of the relational database to be connected, consistent with the database name.
  3. Select corresponding data base, for example: oracle.
  4. Enter communication port for database, for example: 1521, consistent with the database communication port.
  5. Enter login username and password.
  6. Enter table name that needs to be connected to the database, consistent with the database table name. And the database table fields need to be designed in strict accordance with supOS customization rules, field sorting and data types are listed below.
    NameMysql/SQL serverORACLERemark
    TagNameVARCHAR VARCHAR2 Tag name
    TBIGINT NUMBERTimestamp (ms)
    QINT NUMBERQuality code
    TagTypeINT NUMBER Tag type, value range 0-5, corresponding to data type String/Integer/Long/Float/Double/Bool
  7. Set collect interval to one second.
  8. After the information is entered, click Connection Test. The configuration is completed if the prompt Connection succeeded pops up.

    If you are not sure about database information, please check with the database administrator.

Importing Tag

SQL2DB driver supports batch import. After you have configured the source information, go to Import tags in batch tab.

  1. Click Synchronize, and the tag information corresponding to this source will be automatically synchronized.
  2. Click Enumerate Tags. The system will automatically enumerate tag information corresponding to the source.
  3. Click Import All to import all the tags, or you can select partial tags and click Batch Import.
  4. The imported tags are displayed on Tag page.

    Note: Per correspondence of SQL2DB2 tag type and data type of database, please refer to Appendix A/A-2SQL2DB/SQL2DB2 Data Conversion Rules


ODBC driver, used for accessing the database through ODBC.

Adding Source

  1. Click Add on Source to expand source information.
  2. Enter source name and description, and select ODBC for the driver. The system expands the information that needs to be entered for this driver according to the selected driver.
    *ODBC Data SourceODBC data source name
    *Table NameTable name of the database that needs to be connected.
    *Collect intervalSet the data collection period in seconds, unit:ms, the default is 1000.
    *Login UsernameUsername for logging into database.
    *Login PasswordPassword for logging into database.
  3. Enter ODBC data source name that needs to be connected.
  4. Enter the table name of the database that needs to be connected.
  5. Set collect interval.
  6. Enter login username and password.

    The database table structure should be consistent with the SQL2DB table fields, and ensure that the ODBC connection to the database is successful.

Importing Tag

OBDC driver supports batch import. After you have configured source information, click into the Import tags in batch tab.

  1. Click Enumerate Tags. The system will automatically enumerate all BACnet servers in the same IP segment as the collector software.
  2. Click to enter query for tag filtering.
  3. Click Import to import tags.
  4. The imported tags are displayed on Tag page.

Adding Tag

  1. Click Add to unfold basic properties of tag.
  2. After the basic property content is input, the system automatically adds the relevant configuration properties for the connection point between tag and the underlying data.
  3. Click Select to unfold tag selection information.
  4. Enter tag information in Tag Search for fuzzy query or click the refresh button, and the optional tag will automatically display related items according to the selected source.
  5. Click blue button after selecting the corresponding tag, and the system automatically displays the I/O address.
  6. Click Save to complete configuration.

Power Regulations


IEC 101 driver, power system 101 protocol, mainly used to connect IEC101 SLAVE.

Adding Source

  1. Click Add on Source to expand the source information configuration.
  2. Enter source name and description, and select IEC 101 for the driver. The system expands the information that needs to be entered for this driver according to the selected driver.
    *Link Address LengthLink address length

    If the link address length is 1, then the link address range is 1-255.

    If the link address length is 2, then link address range is 1-65536.

    *Link AddressLink address field is slave station address
    Update SpeedData update speedSet update frequency in milliseconds.
    *Transmission Reason LengthTransmission reasonByte number of transmission reason (You can choose 1 or 2)
    Public Address LengthPublic address lengthByte number of public address length (You can choose 1 or 2)
    Info Object Address LengthAddress Length of Info ObjectByte number of info object address
    Master Channel Settings--
    *Serial PortSerial port numberSerial port number of the collector server connected to IEC101 server, fill in the number type, e.g. 1 means COM1.
    *Baud RateBaud rate of channel

    Baud rate can be set to 110, 150, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200.

    The settings must be consistent with the corresponding parameters on the IEC101 server.

    *ParityError checking type of port

    Optional parameters include the following:

    None, indicating that no parity bits are added to the data bits sent from this port.

    Even, indicating that the parity bit should be set to 1 if the number of 1's in the data bits is to be even.

    Odd, means that if the number of 1's in the data bits is odd, the parity bit should be added.

    Mark, which means that the parity bit is added, but is always set to 0.

    Space, which means that parity bits are added but are always set to 1.

    The setting must be the same as the corresponding parameter on the IEC101 service side.

    Timeout TimeThe maximum waiting time between the command sent by the master and the responseUnit: ms
    Retry DelayDelay timeTime interval between packet timeout and the next packet.
    Number of Retries

    Number of times to retry sending the command after the command response timeout.

    The default setting is 3 times
    Info TypeSingle point information setting.Select the corresponding information type, enter the public address (COA), and the COA corresponds to the Slave configuration.
    Double point information setting.
    Normalized value setting.

Adding Tag

  1. Click Add to unfold basic properties of tag.
  2. After the basic property content is input, the system automatically adds the relevant configuration properties for the connection point between tag and the underlying data.
  3. Select tag and enter block offset i.e. select the location of the data; selecting 0 means to read the data from the first place. ClickSave to complete configuration.

IEC 103

IEC 103 driver, power system 103 protocol, used to connect IEC103 SLAVE.

Adding Source

  1. Click Add on Source to expand the source information configuration.
  2. Enter source name and description, and select IEC 103 for the driver. The system expands the information that needs to be entered for this driver according to the selected driver.
    *Link AddressLink address field is slave station addressThe link address range is 1-255.
    *COA Public address of application service data unit COA corresponds to the Slave configuration, ranging from 0-255.
    Collect Interval (ms)Data acquisition interval frequency

    Baud rate can be set to 110, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800,9600, 14400, 19200, 38400, 56000, 57600, 115200, 128000, 256000.

    The settings must be consistent with the corresponding parameters on the IEC103 server.

    Master Channel Setting
    *Serial PortSerial port numberSerial port number of the collector server connected to IEC101 server, fill in the number type, e.g. 1 means COM1
    *Baud RateBaud rate of channel

    Baud rate can be set to 110, 150, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200.

    The settings must be consistent with the corresponding parameters on the IEC101 server.

    *ParityError checking type of port

    Optional parameters include the following:

    None, indicating that no parity bits are added to the data bits sent from this port.

    Even, indicating that the parity bit should be set to 1 if the number of 1's in the data bits is to be even.

    Odd, means that if the number of 1's in the data bits is odd, the parity bit should be added.

    Mark, which means that the parity bit is added, but is always set to 0.

    Space, which means that parity bits are added but are always set to 1.

    The setting must be the same as the corresponding parameter on the IEC101 service side.

    *Data BitNumber of data bits used in the transmission and reception of each character

    Optional parameters are 5, 6, 7, 8, and the default selection is 8.

    The setting must be consistent with the corresponding parameters of IEC103 server.

    Timeout TimeThe maximum waiting time between the command sent by the master and the responseDefault value is 5000ms.
    *Stop Bit

    Transmission time between each character, measuring by bits/second.

    Optional parameters are 1, 1.5, 2, the default choice is 1.

    The setting must be the same as the corresponding parameter on the IEC103 server.

  3. Click Save to complete configuration.

Adding Tag

  1. Click Add to unfold basic properties of tag.
  2. After the basic property content is entered, the system automatically adds the relevant configuration properties for the connection point between tag and the underlying data.
    *Type IdentificationType identifier (TYPE IDENTIFICATION-TYP) in the data unit identifier of the Application Service Data Units (ASDUs).<0-255>
    *Function TypeFunction type (FUNCTION TYPE-FUN) in the information body identifier of the Application Service Data Units (ASDUs).<0-255>
    *Information Serial NumberInformation number (INFORMATION NUMBER-INF) in the information body identifier of the Application Service Data Units (ASDUs).<0-255>
    Index NumberSequence number when a frame of data contains multiple sets of data elements.<0-127>
  3. Click Save to complete configuration.


IEC 104 driver, power system 104 protocol, used to connect IEC104 SLAVE.

Adding Source

  1. Click Add on Source to expand source information.
  2. Enter source name and description, and select IEC 104 for the driver. The system expands the information that needs to be entered for this driver according to the selected driver.
    Collect Interval (ms)Data collect interval Set the update interval in milliseconds
  3. Click Channel to add channel(s) and set related parameters. Parameter specifications are described as the following table:
    *NameChannel nameChannel name is generated automatically. Default name is suggested.
    *Slave IPSlave IP-
    *Main PortPort number for device communication -
    *Total Summoning Interval (ms)--
    *Timeout Time (ms)Timeout Time for channels Default value is 30000ms. Greyed by default, uneditable
    *Message Queue LengthMaximum length of the queue for sending commands.Default is 0,meaning infinite length. Default is grayed and cannot be edited.
  4. Click Session under the channel and set session parameter. Parameter specifications are as the following table.
    *NameSession NameName under the same session cannot be repeated.
    *OATransmitted master station address.0 by default
    *Timeout TimeTimeout Time for channels Default value is 30000ms. Greyed by default, uneditable.
  5. Click Public Address to add sectors and set sector parameters. Sector parameters are listed in the following table.
    *NameSector nameName under the same sector cannot be repeated.
    *COASector offset addressCOA must correspond to SLAVE configuration, ranging from 0 to 65533.
  6. Click Save to complete configuration.

Adding Tag

  1. Click Add to unfold basic properties of tag.
  2. After the basic property content is input, the system automatically adds the relevant configuration properties for the connection point between tag and the underlying data.
  3. Select tag and enter IOA address (IEC104 tag). ClickSave to complete configuration.


IEC61850 driver, power system 61850 protocol.

Adding Source

  1. Click Add on Source to expand the source information.
  2. Enter source name and description, and select IEC 61850 for the driver. The system expands the information that needs to be entered for this driver according to the selected driver.
    IP AddressIP AddressLocalhost by default
    PortPort102 by default

Adding Tag

  1. Click Add to unfold basic properties of tag.
  2. After the basic property content is input, the system automatically adds the relevant configuration properties for the connection point between tag and the underlying data.
  3. Select I/O address and function constraint. Click Save to complete configuration. '
    Function NameDefinition
    STStatus information
    SGSetting group
    SEEditable setting group
    BRBuffered Report Control Block
    RPUnbuffered report control blocks
    LGLog control block
    GOGOOSE control block
    GSGSSE control block
    MSMulticast sample value control block
    USUnicast sampled value control block


CDT protocol driver, mainly used to acquire grid data and monitor system to manage remote devices.

Adding Source

  1. Click Add on Source to expand the source information.
  2. Enter source name and description, and select CDT for the driver. The system expands the information that needs to be entered for this driver according to the selected driver.
  3. Click Channel to add channel(s) and set related parameters. Parameter specifications are in the following table:
    Table 34. Channel parameter specification
    *NameChannel nameChannel name is generated automatically. Default value is suggested.
    DescriptionDescription of channels-
    *COMSerial port numberSerial port number of the collector server that establishes connection with CDT server.
    *Baud RateBaud rate of channel

    Baud rate can be set to 110, 150, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200.

    The settings must be consistent with the corresponding parameters on the IEC101 server.

    *ParityError checking type of port

    Optional parameters include the following:

    None, indicating that no parity bits are added to the data bits sent from this port.

    Even, indicating that the parity bit should be set to 1 if the number of 1's in the data bits is to be even.

    Odd, means that if the number of 1's in the data bits is odd, the parity bit should be added.

    Mark, which means that the parity bit is added, but is always set to 0.

    Space, which means that parity bits are added but are always set to 1.

    The setting must be the same as the corresponding parameter on the IEC101 service side.

    *Data BitNumber of data bits used in the transmission and reception of each character

    Optional parameters are 7 or 8, and the default selection is 8.

    The setting must be consistent with the corresponding parameters of CDT.

    *Stop Bit

    Transmission time between each character, measuring by bits/second.

    Optional parameters are 1, 2, and the default choice is 1.

    The setting must be the same as the corresponding parameter of CDT server.

  4. Click Substation under the channel and configure substation. Parameter specifications are as the follow table.
    *NameSubstation nameSubstation name under the same Channel cannot be repeated.
    DescriptionDescription of substation-
    *Substation IDSubstation IDThe setting must correspond to the parameter of the CDT server, and the setting range is 1~255
  5. Click Save to complete configuration.

Adding Tag

  1. Click Add to unfold basic properties of tag.
  2. After the basic property content is input, the system automatically adds the relevant configuration properties for the connection point between tag and the underlying data.
  3. Select tag (the CDT driver substation to be connected) and function constraint. Select the type to be connected, frame class code, function code and sequence number. You can refer to the corresponding parameters of the CDT server when setting parameters.
  • Type:

    Selectable parameters include Telemetry,Telemetry, Electric Energy Pulse and SOE. SOE stands for the record of sequence of time.

    Data type corresponding to remote signalling is Boolean; The data type corresponding to "telemetry" and "electric energy pulse" is the numeric type converted from hexadecimal to decimal; the data type corresponding to SOE is Boolean, and the return value is 1 when the event occurs and 0 when the event does not occur.

  • Frame Class Code:

    When Type is

    Telemetry, the optional parameters are 97, 179 and 194, 97 corresponds to frame A, 179 corresponds to frame C and 194 corresponds to frame B.


    Type isTeleignalling, the default parameter is 244.

    When Type isElectric Energy Pulse , the default parameter is 244.

    When Type is

    SOE, the default parameter is 38.
  • Function Node: Function node stands for the data corresponding to the row in which it is located. When Type isTelemetry, the optional parameters are 0 to 127. 0 means the data of telemetry 0.


    Type isTeleignalling, the selectable parameters are 240 to 255, 240 means the data of the first group, each group has 32 data lines; 241 means the data of the second group, and so on.

    When Type selects

    Electric Energy Pulse , the optional parameters are 160 to 223, and 160 means the data of electricity 0.

    When Type is

    SOE, the optional parameters are 128 and 129, which indicates the return results corresponding to 80H and 81H, both of which are currently returned.
  • Sequence Number:

    When Type is

    Telemetry, the optional parameters are 0 and 1, indicating the data for the corresponding column.


    Type is Teleignalling, The optional parameters are 0 to 31. 0 means the first line of data of each group; for example, the function code is 241, and the sequence number is 0 corresponding to the first line of data of the second group, i.e., the 32nd line of data (starting from the 0th line).


    Type isElectric Energy Pulse , the optional parameter is 0.


    Type isSOE, the optional parameters are 0 to 4095, corresponding to the object number of the server.
  1. Click Save to complete configuration.

Intelligent Device

BH 5000 driver, mainly used to connect to BH 5000 protocol-based servers for data acquisition.

Adding Source

  1. Click Add onSource page.

  2. Enter source name and description, and selectBH5000 for the driver. The system expands the information that needs to be entered for this driver according to the selected driver.

    Table 35. BH5000 source parameter specification
    *NodeCommunication connection node-
    Update RateUpdate rate of tag valueConfigure update rate, range: 100-5000ms.
    IPServer IP Address-
    PortPort number of server-
  3. Click Select to expand the information that needs to be entered for BH5000.

  4. Enter the IP address and port of the BH5000 you want to connect to, and click

  5. Select the corresponding node ID and clickConfirm, and the node information will be generated automatically.

  6. Click Save to complete configuration.

Adding Tag

  1. Click Add to unfold basic properties of tag.

  2. After the basic property content is input, the system automatically adds the relevant configuration properties for the connection point between tag and the underlying data.

  3. Click Select, and the node automatically displays related items according to the selected source.

  4. Select corresponding node, and property textbox will display properties of selected node.

  5. After you have selected corresponding properties, click

    Confirm, and the system automatically generates I/O address.
  6. Click Save to complete configuration.

Simulation Driver

Data source simulator, mostly used for internal test.


All PCMIA Series

All PCMIA series are used to connect to the full range of Fanuc PCMIA CNCs via the network port.

Adding Source

  1. Click Add on Source to expand the source information configuration.
  2. Enter source name and description, and select All PCMIA Full Series for the driver. The system expands the information that needs to be entered for this driver according to the selected driver name.
    Table 36. Source parameter specification of all PCMIA series
    *IP AddressDevice IP address-
    *PortPort number-
    Timeout TimeMaximum wait time for device connection timeoutDefault value is 5000, unit: milliseconds (ms)
    Collect Interval (ms)Update cycle of dataConfigure the time period of data acquisition. Unit: ms

Adding Tag

  1. Click Add to unfold basic properties of tag.
  2. After you have entered basic properties, the system automatically generates related configuration attributes for the connection point between tag and the underlying data. Select corresponding IO address, and clickSave to complete configuration.
    NumberIO AddressData TypeDescription
    1GetCurrentPathintGet current channel
    2GetMaxPathintGet maximum path
    3GetProducts intGet products
    4GetModeInfo intGet mode info
    5GetStateInfointGet state info
    6GetToolNumintGet tool number
    7GetToolOffsetNumintGet tool offset number
    8GetSFeed intGet spindle feed
    9GetFeedRateintGet speed rate
    10RapidFeedintRapid feed
    11GetSetSpSpeedintGet setting spindle speed
    12GetActSpSpeedintGet actual spindle speed
    13GetSetFeedSpeedintGet set feed speed
    14GetActFeedSpeedintGet actual feed speed
    15GetSpLoadintGet spindle load
    16GetCNCTypestringGet CNCT type
    17GetAlarmMsgstringGet alarm message
    18GetCurrentstringGet current
    19GetKeepAliveTimestringKeep alive time
    20GetRunTimestringRun time
    21GetCutTimestringCut time
    22GetCycTimestringCycle time
    23GetSMotorTempstringSpindle motor temperature
    24GetServoMotorTempstringServo motor temperature
    25GetProcessStatusstringProcess satus
    26GetAbsPosXdoubleAbsolute position X
    27GetAbsPosYdoubleAbsolute position Y
    28GetAbsPosZdoubleAbsolute position Z
    29GetMacPosXdoubleMachinery position X
    30GetMacPosYdoubleMachinery position Y
    31GetMacPosZdoubleMachinery position Z
    32GetRelPosXdoubleRelative position X
    33GetRelPosYdoubleRelative position Y
    34GetRelPosZdoubleRelative position Z
    35GetRemPosXdoubleRemaining position X
    36GetRemPosYdoubleRemaining position Y
    37GetRemPosZdoubleRemaining position Z

R Series

Connect Fanuc R series robots via network port.

Adding Source

  1. Click Add on Source to expand the source information configuration.
  2. Enter source name and description, and select R Series for the driver. The system expands the information that needs to be entered for this driver according to the selected driver.
    *IP AddressIP Address of device-
    *PortPort number60008 by default
    Collect Interval (ms)Update cycle of dataConfigure the time period of data acquisition, unit: ms

Adding Tag

  1. Click Add to unfold basic properties of tag.
  2. After the basic property content is entered, the system automatically adds the relevant configuration properties for the connection point between tag and the underlying data.
    *IO AddressIO address typeD (Data register) AI (input register) AQ (output register) I (Input Relay) Q (output relay) M (Intermediate Relay)
    *Data TypeData type of tag

    IO address type is D/AI/AQ, and the data type can choose a type other than bool. Bool cannot be chosen.

    IO address type is I/Q/M, and data type can only be bool.

    *Address OffsetAddress offsetSelect the offset value, i.e., select the position of the data. Select 0 means to read the data from the first position.
    *String LengthString lengthOptional string length when string is selected for data format only.
  3. Click Save to complete configuration.


Mitsubishi CNC

Connect Mitsubishi M700 series CNC (including M700/M700V, M70/M70V, E70), M800 series CNC (including M800, M800V), and C70 series CNC via TCP/IP protocol.

Adding Source

  1. Click Add on Source to expand the source information configuration.
  2. Enter source name and description, and select Mitsubishi CNC for the driver. The system expands the information that needs to be entered for this driver according to the selected driver.
    *IP AddressIP address of device-
    *PortPort number683 by default
    Timeout TimeMaximum wait time of device connection timeout.5000 by default. Unit: ms.
    Collect Interval (ms)Data acquisition cycleConfigure the time period of data acquisition. Unit: ms.

Adding Tag

  1. Click Add to unfold basic properties of tag.
  2. After the basic properties are entered, the system automatically adds the relevant configuration properties for the connection point between tag and the underlying data. Select corresponding acquisition point. ClickSave to complete configuration.
    NumberAcquisition PointData TypeList View
    1Number of current process itemlong longGET_PRODUCT_COUNT_MSG
    2Current axis numberlong longGET_AXIS
    3Keep alive timelong longGET_KEEP_ALIVE_TIME
    4Current sequence numberlong long GET_SEQUENCE_NUM
    5Current tool numberlong long GET_TOOL_NO
    6Actual spindle speed long long GET_SPINDLE_ACTUAL_SPEED
    7Set spindle speedlong long GET_SPINDLE_SET_SPEED
    8Spindlr loadlong long GET_SPINDLE_LOAD
    9Run timelong long GET_RUN_TIME
    10System datelong long GET_SYSTEM_DATE
    11System timelong long GET_SYYTEM_TIME
    12Cycle timelong long GET_CYCLE_TIME
    13Start timelong long GET_START_TIME
    14Servo axis X loadlong long GET_SERVO_LOAD_X
    15Servo axis Y loadlong long GET_SERVO_LOAD_Y
    16Servo axis Z loadlong long GET_SERVO_LOAD_Z
    17Current program blockstringGET_PROGRAM_BLOCK
    18CNC modelstringGET_VERSION
    19Current program namestringGET_PROGRAM_NO
    20Alarm messagestringGET_ALARM_MSG
    21Feed set speeddoubleGET_FEED_SET_SPEED
    22Feed actual speeddoubleGET_FEED_ACTUAL_SPEED
    23Axis X machine positiondoubleGET_MACHINE_POSTION_X
    24Axis Y machine positiondoubleGET_MACHINE_POSTION_Y
    25Axis Z machine positiondoubleGET_MACHINE_POSTION_Z
    26Axis A machine positiondoubleGET_MACHINE_POSTION_A
    27Axis X work positiondoubleGET_WORK_POSITION_X
    28Axis Y work positiondoubleGET_WORK_POSITION_Y
    29Axis Z work positiondoubleGET_WORK_POSITION_Z
    30Axis A work positiondoubleGET_WORK_POSITION_A
    31Axis X current positiondoubleGET_CURRENT_POSITION_X
    32Axis Y current positiondoubleGET_CURRENT_POSITION_Y
    33Axis Z current positiondoubleGET_CURRENT_POSITION_Z
    34Axis A current positiondoubleGET_CURRENT_POSITION_A
    35Axis X distance positiondoubleGET_DISTANCE_POSITION_X
    36Axis X distance positiondoubleGET_DISTANCE_POSITION_Y
    37Axis X distance positiondoubleGET_DISTANCE_POSITION_Z
    38Axis X distance positiondoubleGET_DISTANCE_POSITION_A
    39Run statusstringGET_RUN_STATUS_ARR
    40Read macro variableAccording to the actual macro variableMACRO_VARIABLE


A_1E_ASCII: Connects to Mitsubishi PLC via MC Qna1E ASCII protocol.

A_1E_Binary: Connects to Mitsubishi PLC via MC Qna1E Binary protocol.

Adding Source

  1. Click Add on Source to expand source information configuration.
  2. Enter source name and description, and select Mitsubishi A_1E_ASCII/A_1E_Binary for the driver. The system expands the information that needs to be entered for this driver according to the selected driver name.
    *IP AddressDevice IP address-
    *PortPort number6000 by default

Adding Tag

  1. Click Add to unfold basic properties of tag.
  2. After the basic property content is entered, the system automatically adds the relevant configuration properties for the connection point between tag and the underlying data.
    *Register TypeRegister typeX (input relay) Y (output relay) M (internal relay) L (latching relay) F (Alarm) V (Edge Relay) B (Link Relay) S (Step Relay) D (Data Register) W (Link register) R (file register)
    *Data TypeData type of tag-
    *Address Display BaseSystem of the display of addressOctal, decimal, hexadecimal can be selected.
    *Address NumberAddress numberPlease enter address number.
    Bit OffsetBit offsetBit offset can only be selected when data type is bool, ranging from 0-7. Selecting 0 means to read from the first bit.
    String LengthString lengthString Length can only be selected when the data type is string.
  3. Click Save to complete configuration.


Connect Mitsubishi PLC via Qna 3C protocol.

Adding Source

  1. Click Add on Source to expand the source information configuration.
  2. Enter source name and description, and select Mitsubishi A_3C_Format for the driver. The system expands the information that needs to be entered for this driver according to the selected driver.
    Station NumberPLC station numberPLC address, 0 by default
    Master Channel Settings--
    Serial PortSerial port numberSerial port number of the collector server that establishes connection with the PLC.
    *Baud RateBaud rate of channel

    Baud rate can be set to 110, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200, 38400, 56000, 57600, 115200, 128000, 256000.

    The settings must be consistent with the corresponding parameters of IEC101 server.

    Data BitData bit used for transmitting and receiving each character.The optional parameter is 7 or 8, and the default is 8.

    The settings must be consistent with the parameter corresponding to PLC server.

    Stop BitTime between transmission of each character, measured in bits per second.The optional parameters are 1, 1.5 and 2, and the default is 1. The settings must be consistent with the parameters corresponding to PLC.
    ParityType of error checking for the port.

    Optional parameters include the following:

    • None, indicating that no parity bit is added to data bits sent from this port.
    • Odd, indicating that if the number of 1's in the data bits is to be odd. The parity bit should be added.
    • Even, indicating that if the number of 1's in the data bits is to be even. The parity bit should be set to 1.
    • Mark, meaning adding parity bit. (always set to 0).
    • Space, meaning adding parity bit (always set to 1).
    • The settings must be consistent with the parameters corresponding to the PLC.

Adding Tag

For details, see Adding Tag.


Connect to Mitsubishi PLC via Qna 3C Over TCP protocol.

Adding Source

  1. Click Add on Source to expand the source information configuration.
  2. Enter source name and description, and select Mitsubishi A_3C_TCP for the driver. The system expands the information that needs to be entered for this driver according to the selected driver.
    *IP AddressDevice IP address-
    *PortPort number2000 by default
    *Station NumberPLC station numberPLC address, 0 by default.

Adding Tag

For details, seeAdding Tag .

Connect Mitsubishi PLC through Fx computer chain protocol.

Adding Source

  1. Click Add on Source to expand source information configuration.
  2. Enter source name and description, and select Mitsubishi Fx_Links_485 for the driver. The system expands the information that needs to be entered for this driver according to the selected driver.
    Station NumberPLC station number.PLC address, 0 by default.
    Timeout TimeMaximum wait time of device connection timeout.0 by default. Unit: ms.
    ParityDevice supports checksum varification.You can select Yes or No.
    Master Channel Settings--
    Serial PortSerial port numberSerial port number of the collector server that establishes connection with the PLC.
    *Baud RateBaud rate of channel

    Baud rate can be set to 110, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200, 38400, 56000, 57600, 115200, 128000, 256000.

    The settings must be consistent with the corresponding parameters on the IEC101 server.

    Data BitData bit used for transmitting and receiving each character.The optional parameter is 7 or 8, and the default selection is 8 The setting must be consistent with the parameter corresponding to the PLC server.
    Stop BitTime between transmission of each character, measured in bits per second.The optional parameters are 1, 1.5 and 2, and the default selection is 1. The settings must be consistent with the parameters corresponding to the PLC.
    ParityType of error checking for the port.Optional parameters include:

Adding Tag

For details, seeAdding Tag .

Connect Mitsubishi PLC through over TPC protocol.

Adding Source

  1. Click Add on Source to expand the source information configuration.
  2. Enter source name and description, and select Mitsubishi Fx_Links_TCP for the driver. The system expands the information that needs to be entered for this driver according to the selected driver name.
    *IP AddressDevice IP address-
    *PortPort number.2000 by default
    Station NumberPLC station number.PLC address, 0 by default.
    Timeout TimeMaximum latency of connection timeout.0 by default; Unit: ms.
    ParityDevice supports checksum verification.You can select Yes or No.

Adding Tag

SeeAdding Tag for details.


Connect Mitsubishi PLC through Fx programming port protocol.

Adding Source

  1. Click Add on Source to expand the source information configuration.
  2. Enter source name and description, and select Mitsubishi Fx_Serial for the driver. The system expands the information that needs to be entered for this driver according to the selected driver.
    Master Channel Settings--
    Serial PortSerial port numberSerial port number of the collector server that establishes connection with the PLC
    *Baud RateBaud rate of channel

    Baud rate can be set to 110, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200, 38400, 56000, 57600, 115200, 128000, 256000.

    The settings must be consistent with the corresponding parameters on the IEC101 server.

    Data BitData bit used for transmitting and receiving each characterThe optional parameter is 7 or 8, and the default selection is 8 The setting must be consistent with the parameter corresponding to the PLC server.
    Stop BitTime between transmission of each character, measured in bits per second.The optional parameters are 1, 1.5 and 2, and the default selection is 1. The settings must be consistent with the parameters corresponding to the PLC.
    ParityType of error checking for the port.Optional parameters include:
    • None, indicating that no parity bit is added to data bits sent from this port.
    • Odd, indicating that if the number of 1's in the data bits is to be odd, the parity bit should be added.
    • Even, indicating that if the number of 1's in the data bits is to be even, the parity bit should be set to 1.
    • Mark, means adding parity bit, but always set to 0.
    • Space, means adding parity bit, but always set to 1.
    • The settings must be consistent with the parameters corresponding to the PLC.

Adding Tag

Please refer toAdding Tagfor details.


Connect Mitsubishi PLC through Fx Serial TCP protocol.

Adding Source

  1. Click Add on Source to expand the source information configuration.
  2. Enter source name and description, and select Mitsubishi Fx_Serial_TCP for the driver. The system expands the information that needs to be entered for this driver according to the selected driver.
    *IP AddressDevice IP address-
    *PortPort number6000 by default

Adding Tag

For details, seeAdding Tag .


Connect Mitsubishi PLC through MC Qna3E ASCII protocol.

Adding Source

  1. Click Add on Source to expand the source information configuration.
  2. Enter source name and description, and select Mitsubishi MC_ASCII for the driver. The system expands the information that needs to be entered for this driver according to the selected driver.
    *IP AddressDevice IP address-
    *PortPort number6000 by default

Adding Tag

Please refer toAdding Tagfor details.


Connect Mitsubishi PLC through MC Qna3E ASCII UDP protocol.

Adding Source

  1. Click Add on Source to expand the source information configuration.
  2. Enter source name and description, and select Mitsubishi MC_UDP_ASCII for the driver. The system expands the information that needs to be entered for this driver according to the selected driver.
    *IP AddressDevice IP address-
    *PortPort number6000 by default

Adding Tag

For details, seeAdding Tag .


Connect Mitsubishi PLC through MC Qna3E Binary protocol.

Adding Source

  1. Click Add on Source to expand the source information.
  2. Enter source name and description, and select Mitsubishi MC_Binary for the driver. The system expands the information that needs to be entered for this driver according to the selected driver.
    *IP AddressDevice IP address-
    *PortPort number6000 by default

Adding Tag

SeeAdding Tag for details.


Connect Mitsubishi PLC through MC R Serial Qna3E Binary protocol.

Adding Source

  1. Click Add on Source to expand the source information.
  2. Enter source name and description, and select Mitsubishi MC_R_Binary for the driver. The system expands the information that needs to be entered for this driver according to the selected driver.
    *IP AddressDevice IP address-
    *PortPort number6000 by default

Adding Tag

For details, seeAdding Tag .


Connect Mitsubishi PLC through MC Qna3E Binary UDP protocol.

Adding Source

  1. Click Add on Source to expand the source information.
  2. Enter source name and description, and select Mitsubishi MC_UDP_Binary for the driver. The system expands the information that needs to be entered for this driver according to the selected driver.
    *IP AddressDevice IP address-
    *PortPort number6000 by default

Adding Tag

For details, seeAdding Tag .


Connect Brother S series (including S700Z1, S500Z1, S1000X1, S700X1, S500X1, S300X1 ), R series CNC (including R450Z1, R450X1, R650X1) and M140X2RD CNC with TCP/IP protocol.

Adding Source

  1. Click Add onSource to expand the source information.

  2. Enter source name and description, and selectCNC_TCP for the driver. The system expands the information that needs to be entered for this driver according to the selected driver.

    Table 55. CNC_TCP source point specification
    Collect IntervalData Collect IntervalUnit:ms
    *IP AddressIP address of device-
    *PortPort number-
    Timeout TimeMaximum wait time of device connection timeout.5000 by default. Unit: ms

Adding Tag

  1. Click Add to unfold basic properties of tag.

  2. After the basic property content is entered, the system automatically adds the relevant configuration properties for the connection point between tag and the underlying data.

    Table 56. IO Address Specification
    No.IO AddressData TypeDescription
    1BrotherAbsPosstringGet absolute position
    2BrotherActFeedSpeedstringActual feed speed
    3BrotherActSpSpeedstringSpindle actual feed speed
    4BrotherAlarmNumstringGet alarm number——Cannot get alarm message
    5BrotherCNCIDstringCNC ID
    6BrotherFeedRatestringFeed rate
    7BrotherIsEmerGencystringGet emergency status
    8BrotherKeepAliveTimestringGet alive time
    9BrotherMacPosstringGet machine position
    10BrotherModeInfostringGet motor info
    11BrotherMotorLoadstringGet motor load
    12BrotherOperateTimestringGet operate time
    13BrotherProductsstringGet product number
    14BrotherProNamestringGet program name
    15BrotherRapidFeedstringGet rapid feed
    16BrotherRelPosstringGet relative position
    17BrotherRemPosstringGet remaining position
    18BrotherRunTimestringGet run time
    19BrotherSFeedstringGet spindle ratio
    20BrotherStateInfostringGet state info
    21BrotherToolNumstringGet tool number
    22BrotherTypestringGet machine type
    23BrotherVersionstringGet version info



Connect PLC of 808D series, 828D series, 828Dsl series via Profinet protocol (device must have 127 or 130 network port), 840D series (implemented via httpDDE protocol).

Adding Source

  1. Click Add on Source to expand the source information configuration.
  2. Enter source name and description, and select Simens Profinet for the driver. The system expands the information that needs to be entered for this driver according to the selected driver.
    *IP Address--
    Timeout TimeMaximum time of device connection timeout.5000 by default. Unit: ms
    Collect Interval (ms) Data acquisition cycleConfigure time cycle of data acquisition. Unit: ms
    Device TypeSimens CNC device type840D or other types
  3. Click Save to complete configuration.

Adding Tag

  1. Click Add to unfold basic properties of tag.
  2. After the basic property content is input, the system automatically adds the relevant configuration properties for the connection point between tag and the underlying data.
    Table 58. Parameter specification of PPI_TCP related configuration
    *IO AddressIO address type-
    *Data Type Data type of tag-
    *Address OffsetAddress offsetSelect the offset value, i.e., select the position of the data. ( Selecting 0 means to read the data from the first bit).
    Bit OffsetBit offsetBit offset can only be selected when data type is bool, ranging from 0-7. Selecting 0 means to read from the first bit.
    String LengthString LengthString Length can only be selected when the data is string type.


Adding Source

  1. Click Add on Source to expand the source information.
  2. Enter source name and description, and select Simens PPI for the driver. The system expands the information that needs to be entered for this driver according to the selected driver.
    *IP AddressDevice IP address-
    *PortPort number102 by default
    Collect Interval (ms)Data acquisition CycleConfigure time cycle of data acquisition. Unit: ms.
    *Station NumberPLC station numberPLC address, 2 by default.

Adding Tag

  1. Click Add to unfold basic properties of tag.
  2. After the basic property content is entered, the system automatically adds the relevant configuration properties for the connection point between tag and the underlying data.
    Table 60. Parameter specification of PPI_TCP related configuration
    *IO AddressIO address typeI (input register) Q (output register) M (Intermediate register) DB (DB block register) T (Timer value) C (value of counter)
    *Data TypeData type of data-
    *Address OffsetAddress offsetSelect the offset value, i.e., select the position of the data. (Selecting 0 means to read the data from the first bit.)
    Bit OffsetBit offsetBit offset can only be selected when data type is bool, ranging from 0-7. Selecting 0 means to read from the first bit.
    *String LengthString LengthString Length can only be selected when the data is string type.
  3. Click Save to complete configuration.


Adding Source

  1. Click Add on Source to expand the source information.
  2. Enter source name and description, and select Simens S7_200Smart_TCP for the driver. The system expands the information that needs to be entered for this driver according to the selected driver name.
    *IP AddressDevice IP address-
    *PortPort number102 by default
    Collect Interval (ms)Data acquisition periodConfigure time cycle of data acquisition. Unit: ms. 5000 by default

Adding Tag

For details, seeAdding Tag .


Connect PLC of Omron through the network port via HostLink protocol.

Adding Source

  1. Click Add on Source to expand the source information.
  2. Enter source name and description, and selectHostLink_TCP for the driver. The system expands the information that needs to be entered for this driver according to the selected driver.
    *IP AddressDevice IP address-
    *PortPort number-
    PLC Unit NumberPLC unit number-
    Station NumberPLC station numberPLC address
    Collect Interval (ms)Update cycle of dataConfigure time cycle of data acquisition. Unit: ms. 5000 by default.
    Host Computer Unit NumberHost Computer Unit Number-
    Device IDDevice ID-

Adding Tag

  1. Click Add to unfold basic properties of tag.
  2. After the basic property content is input, the system automatically adds the relevant configuration properties for the connection point between tag and the underlying data.
    Table 63. Parameter specification of HostLink_TCP related configuration
    *IO AddressIO address typeI (input register) Q (output register) M (Intermediate register) DB (DB block register) T (Timer value) C (value of counter)
    *Data TypeData type of data-
    *Address OffsetAddress offsetSelect the offset value, i.e., select the position of the data. (Selecting 0 means to read the data from the first bit.)
    Bit OffsetBit offsetBit offset can only be selected when data type is bool, ranging from 0-7. Selecting 0 means to read from the first bit.
    *String LengthString LengthString Length can only be selected when the data type is string.
  3. Click Save to complete configuration.


Connect Omron's PLC of type CPM1A PLC, CPM2A PLC, CP1H PLC, CP1L PLC, CPM2C PLC, CQM1H PLC, CJ1M PLC, C200H PLC, CJ1 PLC, CS1 PLC, CV PLC, CS1D with TCP protocol.

Adding Source

  1. Click Add on Source to expand source information configuration.
  2. Enter source name and description, and selectTCP for the driver. The system expands the information that needs to be entered for this driver according to the selected driver.
    *IP AddressDevice IP address-
    *PortPort number-
    *PLC Unit NumberPLC unit number-
    Collect Interval (ms)Update cycle of dataData collect interval. Unit: ms.
    Host Computer Unit NumberHost Computer Unit Number-

Adding Tag

For details, seeAdding Tag.


Connect Omron CPM1A, CPM2A, CP1H, CP1L, CPM2C, CQM1H, CJ1M, C200H, CJ1, CS1, CV, CS1D with UDP protocol.

Adding Source

  1. Click Add on Source to expand the source information configuration.
  2. Enter source name and description, and selectUDP for the driver. The system expands the information that needs to be entered for this driver according to the selected driver.
    *IP AddressDevice IP address-
    Collect Interval (ms)Update cycle of dataConfigure time cycle of data acquisition. Unit: ms.
    Host Computer Unit NumberHost Computer Unit Number-

Adding Tag

For details, seeAdding Tag.


Connect Omron PLC via FINS protocol.

Adding Source

  1. Click Add on Source to expand source information.
  2. Enter source name and description, and select FINS_UDP for the driver. The system expands the information that needs to be entered for this driver according to the selected driver.
    *PLC IP AddressIP address of PLC communication-
    *PLC PortPort of UDP communication9600 by default
    *Local IP AddressIP address of installation environment of X-Collector-
    Collect Interval (ms)Update cycle of dataConfigure time cycle of data acquisition. 1000 by default. Unit: ms

Adding Tag

  1. Click Add to unfold basic properties of tag.
  2. After the basic property content is input, the system automatically adds the relevant properties for the connection point between tag and the underlying data.
    Table 67. Parameter specification of FINS_UDP related configuration
    Register TypeData stores codeA(Auxiliary Bit Area) C(CIO Area) D(Data Memory Area) H(Holding Bit Area) W(Work Area)
    *Data TypeData type that has been read.The type corresponding to the actual meaning of the register data
    *Address NumberAddress numberAddress number of data to be read
    Bit OffsetBit offsetBit offset can only be selected when data type is bool, ranging from 0-7. Selecting 0 means to read from the first bit.
    Byte OffsetByte offsetBye offset can only be selected when data type is byte, ranging from 0-1.
    *String LengthString LengthString Length can only be selected when the data type is string.
  3. Click Save to complete configuration.

Connect Omron PLC via HostLink protocol.

Adding Source

  1. Click Add on Source to expand source information.
  2. Enter source name and description, and selectHost_Link_COM for the driver. The system expands the information that needs to be entered for this driver according to the selected driver name.
    Station NumberPLC station numberPLC address, 0 by default
    Main Channel Settings
    Serial PortSerial port numberSerial port number of the collector server that establishes connection with the PLC
    *Baud RateBaud rate of channel

    Baud rate can be set to 110, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200, 38400, 56000, 57600, 115200, 128000, 256000.

    The settings must be consistent with the corresponding parameters on the IEC101 server.

    Data bitData bit used for transmitting and receiving each characterThe optional parameter is 7 or 8, and the default selection is 8 The setting must be consistent with the parameter corresponding to the PLC server.
    Stop BitTime between transmission of each character, measured in bits per secondThe optional parameters are 1, 1.5 and 2, and the default selection is 1. The settings must be consistent with the parameters corresponding to the PLC.
    ParityType of error checking for the portOptional parameters include:

Adding Tag

For details, seeAdding Tag.


Connect KUKA C2, C4 and C5 series robots with KUKAVARPROXY protocol.

Adding Source

  1. Click Add onSource to expand the source information.

  2. Enter source name and description, and select

    KUKAVARPROXY for the driver. The system expands the information that needs to be entered for this driver according to the selected driver.
    *IP AddressDevice IP Address-
    *PortPort number7000 by default
    Timeout TimeThe maximum waiting time between the command sent by the master and the responseUnit: ms
    Collect Interval (ms)Data acquisition cycleConfigure data acquisition cycle. Unit: ms, 1000 by default.

Adding Tag

  1. Click Add to unfold basic properties of tag.

  2. After the basic property content is input, the system automatically adds the relevant configuration properties for the connection point between tag and the underlying data. Select corresponding acquisition point, then click

    Save to complete configuration.
    Table 70. Acquisition point
    NumberAcquisition PointData TypeList View
    1Program ratioString$OV_PRO
    2Designated axis coordinatesString$AXIS_ACT
    3Actual axis coordinatesString$AXIS_ACT_MEAS
    4Current rectangular coordinate robot positionString$POS_ACT
    5Measure rectangular coordinate robot positionString$POS_ACT_MES
    6Current operation modeString$MODE_OP
    7Actual current of each axisString$CURR_ACT【】
    8Actual current of A1 axisString$CURR_ACT【1】
    9Actual current of A2 axisString$CURR_ACT【2】
    10Actual current of A3 axisString$CURR_ACT【3】
    11Actual current of A4 axisString$CURR_ACT【4】
    12Actual current of A5 axisString$CURR_ACT【5】
    13Actual current of A6 axisString$CURR_ACT【6】
    14Actual current of E1 axisString$CURR_ACT【7】
    15Actual current of E2 axisString$CURR_ACT【8】
    16Actual current of E3 axisString$CURR_ACT【9】
    17Actual current of E4 axisString$CURR_ACT【10】
    18Actual current of E5 axisString$CURR_ACT【11】
    19Actual current of E6 axisString$CURR_ACT【12】
    20Current motor speedString$VEL_AXIS_ACT【】
    21Current motor speed of A1 axisString$VEL_AXIS_ACT【1】
    22Current motor speed of A2 axisString$VEL_AXIS_ACT【2】
    23Current motor speed of A3 axisString$VEL_AXIS_ACT【3】
    24Current motor speed of A4 axisString$VEL_AXIS_ACT【4】
    25Current motor speed of A5 axisString$VEL_AXIS_ACT【5】
    26Current motor speed of A6 axisString$VEL_AXIS_ACT【6】
    27Current motor speed of E1 axisString$VEL_AXIS_ACT【7】
    28Current motor speed of E2 axisString$VEL_AXIS_ACT【8】
    29Current motor speed of E3 axisString$VEL_AXIS_ACT【9】
    30Current motor speed of E4 axisString$VEL_AXIS_ACT【10】
    31Current motor speed of E5 axisString$VEL_AXIS_ACT【11】
    32Current motor speed of E6 axisString$VEL_AXIS_ACT【12】
    33Running statusString$PRO_STATE
    34Program nameString$PRO_NAME【】
    35Current tool coordinatesString$ACT_TOOL
    36Current loadString$LOAD
    37Stopmess informationString$STOPMESS


Connect Haas all series through TCP/IP protocol.

Adding Source

  1. Click Add onSource to expand the source information configuration.

  2. Enter source name and description, and select

    All Haas Series for the driver. The system expands the information that needs to be entered for this driver according to the selected driver name.
    Table 71.
    *IP AddressDevice IP Address-
    *PortPort number7000 by default
    Collect IntervalData Collect IntervalUnit:ms, 1000 by default

Adding Tag

  1. Click Add to unfold basic properties of tag.

  2. After the basic property content is input, the system automatically adds the relevant configuration properties for the connection point between tag and the underlying data. Select corresponding acquisition point, then click

    Save to complete configuration.
    Table 72. Collect Node
    NO.Collect nodeData Type-
    1Machine serial numberStringQ100
    2Control software versionStringQ101
    3Machine modelStringQ102
    4Operation modeStringQ104
    5Total number of tool switchingStringQ200
    6Current tool numberStringQ201
    7Total power-on timeStringQ300
    8Total running timeStringQ301
    9Last cycle timeStringQ303
    10Previous cycle timeStringQ304
    11M30 part counter #1StringQ402
    12M30 part counter#2StringQ403
    13Three in one (program, running status, number of parts machined)StringQ500
    14Macro variablesStringQ600


Adding Source

  1. Click Add onSource to expand the source information.

  2. Enter source name and description, and select

    Explosion Proof Positioning Card for the driver. The system expands the information that needs to be entered for this driver according to the selected driver.
    Table 73. df
    *Service PortListening port

Adding Tag

  1. Click Add to unfold basic properties of tag.

  2. After the basic property content is input, the system automatically adds the relevant configuration properties for the connection point between tag and the underlying data. Select corresponding acquisition point, then click

    Save to complete configuration.
    Table 74. Explosion Proof Positioning Card
    Field IdentifierID for connecting devices. (It is a unique identifier)4-digit lot number4-digit number, provided by the equipment manufacturer.
    Select FieldDevice attributes. Click on the drop-down box to select the corresponding field.AlarmStatus:Alarm Status Attitude:Attitude CSQ:Network signal quality CarrierDirection:Carrier Direction DeviceId_Number:Device id---number

    EastSpeed:Northeast sky speed - eastward speed

    Electricity:Electricity GPStime:GPS time GroundSpeed:Ground Speed Latitude:Latitude, Unit: 1e-7

    LatitudeFlag:1--- north latitude, 0--- south latitude


    LongitudeFlag:1--- East longitude, 0---West Longitude

    Mileage: Mileage NorthSpeed:Northeast sky speed - northbound speed

    PositionStatus:Position Status ReportingInterval:Interval of reporting SatelliteNum:Satellite number

    SkySpeed:Northeast sky speed - upward speed

    UpstreamDataStatus:Upstream data status pDOP:pDOP value

  3. Click Save to complete configuration.


Connect PLC of Rockwell with AB PLC DF1 protocol.

Adding Source

  1. Click Add onSource to expand source information.

  2. Enter source name and description, and selectAB_DF1 for the driver. The system expands the information that needs to be entered for this driver according to the selected driver.

    Table 75. AB_DF1 parameter specification
    *Serial PortSerial port numberSerial port number of the collector server that establishes connection with the PLC; Fill in number type, for example, 1 means COM1.
    *Baud Rate-
    • Baud rate can be set to 110, 150, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200.
    • The settings must be consistent with the corresponding parameters of the other party's serial port.
    ParityValidation mode
    • You can set to None, Odd, Even, Mark or Space.
    • The settings must be consistent with the corresponding parameters of the other party's serial port.
    Data bitData bit used for transmitting and receiving each character.The Default is 8.

    The setting must be consistent with the parameter corresponding to the PLC server.

    Stop BitTime between transmission of each character, measured in bits per second.
    • The optional parameters are 1 and 2.
    • The settings must be consistent with the corresponding parameters of the other party's serial port.
    *Collect Interval (ms)Reading cycle of subscribed tag.1000ms by default

Adding Tag

  1. Click Add to unfold basic properties of tag.

  2. After the basic property content is entered, the system automatically adds the relevant configuration properties for the connection point between tag and the underlying data.

  3. Select tag.
  4. Enter address.
  5. Choose data type and byte order.
    Table 76. AB_DF1 parameter specification
    *Select TagData fileO0: Output I1: Input S2: Status B3: Binary T4: Timer C5: Counter R6: Control N7: Integer number F8: Floating point number
    *AddressData file address-
    Data TypeData type

    Data type of data source, forward/reverse order, byte swap, etc.

    Bool: bit setting, 0-15 Short/unshort: AB/BA Long/unlong/float: ABCD/CDBA/BADC/DCBA Byte/char: A/B Double: asc/decs

  6. Click Save to complete configuration.

Network Protocol

Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is an Internet Standard protocol for managing network nodes (servers, workstations, routers, switches, HUBS, etc.) on IP networks. It is an application layer protocol.

Adding Source

  1. Click Add onSource page to expand source information.

  2. Enter source name and description, and selectSNMP for the driver. The system expands the information that needs to be entered for this driver according to the selected driver.

    Table 77. SNMP source parameter specification
    *IP AddressDevice IP address-
    *PortPort Number-
    *Community NameSNMP community name-
    Timeout TimeMaximum waiting time while the connected device encounter timeout.5000 by default. Unit: ms.
    Collect Interval (ms)Data acquisition cycle.Configure data acquisition cycle, unit: ms. 1000 by default.

Adding Tag

  1. Click Add to unfold basic properties of tag.

  2. After the basic property content is input, the system automatically adds the relevant configuration properties for the connection point between tag and the underlying data. Select corresponding IO address, and click

    Test to test connectivity. ClickSave to complete configuration.

Drivers Supported for Video Collector


If the collector is installed in Windows Server 2008 R2 or Windows Server 2012 R2 system, please refer to the appendix of X-Collector Data Acquisition Installation Manual to enable media-related functions first when you need to capture video.


Any video devices and services that conform to the RTSP protocol can be accessed through the RTSP driver.

  1. Click Add on the Video Collector to expand video source configuration.

  2. Enter the name, alias, and source description, then select RTSP for the video type. The system expands the information that needs to be entered for this driver based on the selected video type.

  • The following is the table of parameter specification you can refer to when the address type is DAHUA RTSP Standard, Hikvision RTSP Standard or Uniview RTSP Standard.
    Table 78. Parameter Specification
    *IPIP address of video source-
    *PortPort number of video source554 by default
    Channel NumberThe physical location of the camera's video input on the surveillance matrix or hard disk recorder device1 by default
    *UsernameCamera login username-
    *PasswordCamera login password-
    Stream TypeOptions: Main-stream and Secondary-stream

    The main stream is used for recording and the secondary stream is used for network transmission.

    The default value is the main stream, you can choose secondary-stream access according to network conditions.
  • When the address type isCustomize.
    Table 79. Parameter specification

    Video source URL address, compliant with RTSP address format.

    For example: rtsp://IP address/rtsp, please refer to the access camera rtsp format requirements.
  1. Click Save to complete configuration.


DPSDK supports access of DAHUA DSS platform.

  1. Click Add on the Video Collector to expand video source configuration.

  2. Enter name, alias, and source description, and then select DAHUA DPSDK for the video type. The system expands the information that needs to be entered for this driver based on the selected video type.

    Table 80. Parameter specification
    *IPDAHUA DSS platform IP address.-
    *PortDAHUA platform port number.554 by default
    *UsernameDAHUA DSS platform login username-
    *PasswordDAHUA DSS login passwordPassword must be a combination of letters of upper and lower case , numbers and underscores.
    Stream TypeOptions: Main-stream and Secondary-stream

    The main stream is used for recording and the secondary stream is used for network transmission.

    The default value is the main stream, you can choose secondary-stream access according to network conditions.
    Play TypeYou can choose real time or history.Default is real time video. You can choose History video according to your needs.
    Camera IDSearch by camera name.Search the camera ID by the camera name on the connected DAHUA DSS platform for association.
    Gimbal SwitchTurn on/off the holder.-
  3. Click Save to complete configuration.


Hikvision SDK video driver

  1. Click Add on the Video Collector page.

  2. Enter the name, alias, and source description, and select HCNETSDK for video type. The system expands the information that needs to be entered for this driver based on the selected video type.

Table 81. Parameter specification
*IPDevice IP address-
*PortDevice port number8000 by default
UsernameDevice login username-
PasswordDevice login passwordPassword must be a combination of letters of upper and lower case, numbers and underscores.
Stream TypeOptions: Main-stream and Secondary-stream

The main stream is used for recording and the secondary stream is used for network transmission.

The default value is the main stream, you can choose secondary-stream access according to network conditions.
Channel NumberThe physical location of the camera's video input on the surveillance matrix or hard disk recorder device. 1 by default
Play TypesYou can choose real time or history. Default is real time video. You can choose history video according to your needs.
HolderTurn on/off the holder.-
  1. Click Save to complete configuration.


Hikvision iSecure Center video driver

  1. Click Add onVideo Collector page.

  2. Enter name, alias, and source description, and select HIKISC for video type. The system expands the information that needs to be entered for this driver based on the selected video type.

    Table 82. Parameter specification
    ProtocolPlatform transmission protocol, you can choose HTTP or https.Consistent with the original protocol
    VersionPlatform version, selectable v1 or v.Consistent with the original version
    *IPPlatform IP address-
    *PortPort number of platform554 by default
    *Keyappkey, from the platform-
    *Secretappsercet, from the platform-
    Stream TypeOptions: Main-stream and Secondary-stream

    The main stream is used for recording and the secondary stream is used for network transmission.

    The default value is the main stream, you can choose secondary-stream access according to network conditions.
    Play TypeYou can choose real time or history.Default is real time video. You can choose history video according to your needs.
    Camera IDSearch by camera nameSearch the camera ID by the camera name on the connected platform for association.
    Gimbal SwitchTurn on/off the holder-
  3. Click Save to complete configuration.


DAHUA SDK video driver

  1. Click Add onVideo Collector page.

  2. Enter name, alias, and source description, and select DHNETSDK for video type. The system expands the information that needs to be entered for this driver based on the selected video type.

    Table 83. Parameter specification
    *IPDevice IP address-
    *PortDevice port number8000 by default
    *UsernameDevice login username-
    *PasswordDevice login passwordPassword must be a combination of upper and lower case letters, numbers and underscores.
    Steam TypeOptions: Main stream and Secondary stream

    The main stream is used for recording and the sub-stream is used for network transmission.

    The default value is the main stream, customers can choose secondary stream access according to network conditions.
    *Channel NumberThe physical location of the camera's video input on the surveillance matrix or hard disk recorder device1 by default
    Play TypeYou can choose real time or history.Default is real time video. You can choose history video according to your needs.
    Gimbal SwitchTurn on/off the holder-
  3. Click Save to complete configuration.